Mini-Symposium „Plant-Microbe Interactions”

Szanowni Państwo, poniżej przekazujemy informację o Mini-Sympozjum „Plant-Microbe Interactions”, które odbędzie się w dniach 28-30 maja w Warszawie.

The Warsaw Plant Health Initiative, 7FP-REGPOT-2011-1-286093, WP4: Upgrade MICRO-ECOLOGY research teams; carried out at the Faculty of Horticulture, Biotechnology and Landscape Architecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW is organizing Mini-Symposium:
and Workshop:
„Isolation and identification of plant-associated bacteria”.
Prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Niemirowicz-Szczyt – Dean of the Faculty, Prof. dr
hab. Zbigniew Dąbrowski – Coordinator of the REGPOT Project and
Prof. dr hab. Helena Gawrońska – Leader of WP4 kindly invite you to
participate in the Mini-Symposium and Workshop.

We would like to emphasize that this is the first scientific meeting in
Poland fully dedicated to the above topic and invited speakers, highly
recognized in this area, as Professors: Helena Freitas, Petra Kidd, Peter
Schröeder, Jaco Vangronsveld from various centers in Europe and Jerzy
Długoński, Katarzyna Turnau from Poland, have already confirmed their
participation in the Mini-Symposium.

The Mini-Symposium will take place on 28th – 29th May 2014 and the
Workshop the next day on 30th May 2014.

The number of participant in the Workshop, due to logistic reasons, is
limited to 15 persons. Applications will be handled on a
first-come-first-serve basis. Official language of the Mini-Symposium and
Workshop is English.

During Mini-Symposium, in addition to the invited lectures, are planned
short scientific oral presentations (15 min. + 5 min. for questions) or
posters. The final form of presentation depends on the number of
participants willing to present their results. When filling the
application form please mark preferable form of presenting your results
but please understand that the final decision of the form will be taken by
the organizers. Notification of the form of presentation will be sent 30
days before meeting.

Participation in the Mini-Symposium and Workshop, conference materials
and refreshments during breaks are free of charge and will be covered by
Project Warsaw Plant Health Initiative, 7FP-REGPOT-2011-1-286093.

Completed application forms of participation (downloaded from should be sent electronically by 28th Feb.
2014 and abstracts of presentations should be sent by the latest 8th Apr.
2014 to e-mail address:

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